Sawadee Sativa Dispensary - Pratunam Weed Ganja Cannabis & Marijuana (cannabis)

Обновление Apr 26th, 2024
Cannabis Cafe (Art for All)

Откройте для себя Sawadee Sativa Dispensary - Pratunam Weed Ganja Cannabis & Marijuana (cannabis) , лучший аптеку по продаже каннабиса в Bangkok , Таиланд. Просматривайте сорта, сравнивайте цены, читайте обзоры и находите контактную информацию. Или посетите более 5500 других магазинов каннабиса.

У нас есть бутоны и продукты премиум качества! Наш магазин расположен напротив CentralWorld, рядом с пирсом Пратунам (выезд). Мы открыты с 12:00 до 24:00. с 14:00 до 12:00 по воскресеньям. Приходите проверить наши сорта премиум-класса!

Цветы / Бутоны

В этом месте предлагается следующий выбор цветов и шишек каннабиса для покупки.

Розовый Цертц
30% THC - 100% SATIVA
Pink Certz — это гибридный сорт каннабиса, который, как полагают, представляет собой нечто среднее между Pink Champagne и неизвестным сортом. Он известен своим розовато-фиолетовым цветом и сладким фруктовым вкусом с оттенками сосны и дизеля. Pink Certz обычно имеет высокое содержание ТГК, от 20% до 27%, и, как сообщается, обеспечивает эйфорический и расслабляющий эффект, который может помочь облегчить симптомы тревоги, депрессии и хронической боли. Его можно выращивать как в помещении, так и на открытом воздухе, он дает средний или высокий урожай со временем цветения около 8-9 недель. Как и в случае со всеми штаммами каннабиса, индивидуальные эффекты и опыт могут различаться, поэтому важно ответственно относиться к использованию Pink Certz и проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем использовать его в медицинских целях.
Кали Мист
28% THC - 100% SATIVA
Kali Mist, как известно, производит ясные, энергичные эффекты, которые временами могут граничить с психоделическими. Несмотря на неизвестную генетическую историю, считается, что Kali Mist возникла в 1990-х годах в результате скрещивания двух гибридов с преобладанием сативы. Эта легкая сатива — идеальный выбор для потребителей, которые хотят сохранять концентрацию и продуктивность в течение дня.
Мороженое Х
28% THC - 100% SATIVA
Gelato X может похвастаться классической цитрусово-ягодной смесью Gelato с рыхлым, сладко-древесным дизелем и оттенком перца. Эффекты Gelato X проявляются мгновенно, когда теплый прилив ударяет по лицу и разливается по всему телу. Вы обнаружите, что вы, несомненно, обкурены и рассеянны, но удивительно ясны и креативны, несмотря на тяжелую природу кайфа.
Лос-Анджелес Куш Торт
28% THC - 100% SATIVA
LA Kush Cake, также известный как «Los Angeles Kush Cake» и «LA Kush Cake #11», представляет собой гибридный сорт марихуаны. Этот гибрид популярных сортов Wedding Cake и Kush Mints происходит от Liberty Health Sciences и Seed Junky Genetics. La Kush Cake — это сорт с преобладанием индики, который пахнет ванилью и имеет землистый вкус перечной мяты. Это легкий, плавный удар, и для появления эффектов требуется некоторое время. Это красивый цветок с зелеными и пурпурными бутонами, покрытыми морозными трихомами. Это отлично подходит для расслабления и расслабления в конце ночи, когда больше нечего делать.
Шоколад тайский
26% THC - 100% SATIVA
Легендарный сорт ландрас из Таиланда, Chocolate Thai впервые появился в США где-то в 1960-х годах как «тайские палочки», тонкие цветы, привязанные к бамбуковой палочке, которые были известны своим сильным эффектом. Руководители старой школы помнят эти шишки тонкими и воздушными, от средне- до темно-коричневого цвета и обладающими уникальным шоколадно-кофейным ароматом. Из-за того, что это был долгоцветущий, низкоурожайный сорт сативы, который всегда давал мужские цветки и семена, и его было невероятно трудно клонировать и выращивать, скорее всего, Chocolate Thai больше не существует в своем первоначальном виде. Есть несколько линий семян, продаваемых под этим названием, но они либо были скрещены, чтобы обеспечить некоторые стабилизирующие признаки, либо имеют неизвестное происхождение.
Снуп Догг И
20% THC - 90% SATIVA - 10% INDICA
Snoop Dogg OG — это гибридный сорт с преобладанием индики на 70%, который, как говорят, содержит генетику от Lemon OG и Sour Diesel. Дизельный аромат Snoop Dogg OG доминирует над менее заметными нотами лимона, что делает этот сорт удивительно похожим на OG Kush как по аромату, так и по структуре шишек. Snoop Dogg OG начинается с волны гоночного творчества, которая позже сменяется сбалансированным вниманием и стимуляцией аппетита.
Томьюм Куш
26% THC - 100% SATIVA
Окончательный тайский кросс ландраса, Том Ям Куш, по сути, представляет собой квинтэссенцию дымки. Это означает, что вы можете веселиться всю ночь, смеяться с друзьями и вообще находиться в более психоделическом состоянии. Том Ям Куш не лучший сорт перед сном, но лучше подходит для пробуждения и выпечки.
Blaze Muay Thai
20% THC - 100% SATIVA
Blaze Muay Thai
Sundae Driver
19% THC - 90% SATIVA - 10% INDICA
Sundae Driver is a cannabis strain that has garnered popularity for its sweet flavor and mellow effects. This strain is a cross between Fruity Pebbles OG and Grape Pie, which contributes to its unique flavor profile and visually striking appearance. The buds of Sundae Driver are known for their multicolored presentation, featuring shades of green, purple, and even pink, all coated in a shimmering layer of trichomes that give it a frosty look. The aroma is equally appealing, with notes of sweet fruit and a hint of chocolate, making it a favorite among those who prefer dessert-like strains. In terms of effects, Sundae Driver delivers both euphoric and creative effects. This strain is often chosen for its ability to help manage stress and anxiety without the intense sedation associated with heavier indica strains. It can also be beneficial for managing minor aches and pains.
OG L.A. Kush
OG L.A. Kush is a popular indica cannabis strain known for its strong effects and distinctive flavor. It is often simply referred to as L.A. Kush. This strain is thought to be a phenotype of the original OG Kush, which is famous worldwide for its potent and balanced effects. OG L.A. Kush exhibits a classic Kush aroma with deep, earthy notes mixed with hints of pine and citrus. The flavor follows suit, offering a spicy herbal profile with a woody undertone, which makes it quite appealing to those who enjoy more traditional cannabis flavors. In terms of effects, OG L.A. Kush is recognized for its quick-acting and long-lasting high. It delivers a powerful sense of euphoria and relaxation, making it an excellent choice for stress relief and for unwinding at the end of the day. Due to its potent sedative effects, it is also frequently used by those looking to manage chronic pain, insomnia, or anxiety. The buds of OG L.A. Kush are typically dense and covered in a rich layer of trichomes, reflecting its potent THC content
L.A. Push Pop
28% THC - 100% INDICA
L.A. Push Pop is a indica cannabis strain that is gaining popularity for its delightful flavor profile and its effects. This strain is a cross between Triangle Kush and the flavorful Orange Cookies, which are known for their potent and aromatic lineage. L.A. Push Pop is celebrated for its sweet and citrusy aroma, reminiscent of orange creamsicles, with underlying notes of earth and spice that make it complex and appealing. The taste follows suit, offering a sweet, creamy citrus flavor that many find delicious and refreshing. The effects of L.A. Push Pop provide users with an relaxing and soothing experience. This makes it suitable for use during night time, as it can enhance mood and calm you down. It is often chosen by those looking to manage stress, anxiety, and mood swings, and can also help with mild to moderate pain due to its relaxing properties.
Snoop Dogg OG
27% THC - 10% SATIVA - 90% INDICA
Snoop Dogg OG is an indica-dominant cannabis strain named after the famous rapper Snoop Dogg, known for his deep love of cannabis. It is believed to be a descendant of the iconic strains Lemon OG and Sour Diesel, combining their powerful and aromatic qualities into one potent package. The buds of Snoop Dogg OG are typically dense and covered in a frosty layer of trichomes, indicating a high THC content. This makes it one of the stronger strains available, favored by both recreational and medicinal users for its potent effects. The aroma is rich with earthy and citrus notes, complemented by hints of diesel and spice from its Sour Diesel heritage. Snoop Dogg OG is known for its relaxing and sedative effects, often leading to a deep sense of calm and euphoria. It is highly effective in the evening or before bed, helping users unwind and combat insomnia. Additionally, its strong body effects make it a good choice for alleviating chronic pain, muscle spasms, and stress. The flavor of Snoop Dogg OG mirrors its aroma with an earthy base accentuated by sour citrus and pine, making it both refreshing and robust.
Glue Gasoline
28% THC - 100% INDICA
Glue Gasoline is a potent indica cannabis strain known for its strong effects and distinctive aroma. It is a cross between the infamous Gorilla Glue #4 and Gasoline, two strains renowned for their high THC levels and robust flavors. The buds of Glue Gasoline are typically dense and coated with a thick layer of resinous trichomes, indicative of its Gorilla Glue heritage. This strain is recognized for its powerful, long-lasting effects that are both euphoric and relaxing, making it a favorite among those seeking relief from stress, pain, and insomnia. The aroma of Glue Gasoline is intense, combining the pungent, diesel-like smell of Gasoline with the earthy, slightly sour notes of Gorilla Glue. This results in a complex scent profile that can be quite overpowering, especially for those new to cannabis. The flavor follows suit, with a sharp, diesel taste that has hints of chocolate and coffee, making it unique and memorable.
Purple Kush
25% THC - 100% INDICA
Purple Kush is a pure indica strain that originated from the Oakland area of California as a result of crossing Hindu Kush and Purple Afghani. This strain is well-known for its striking purple hues and its powerful, sedating effects, making it a favorite among those looking for deep relaxation and pain relief. The buds of Purple Kush are dense and remarkably colorful with a blend of purple leaves and bright orange pistils, covered in a thick coat of trichomes. The aroma is as vibrant as its appearance, with a sweet, earthy fragrance accented by subtle hints of grape. The flavor complements the smell, offering a blend of sweet and fruity notes with a distinctly grape-like taste on the exhale. Purple Kush is famous for its almost instantaneous sedative effects that envelop the body in relaxation, potentially aiding in the relief of pain, sleep issues, and stress. Its potent effects are typically long-lasting, making it an excellent choice for evening use or just before bed.
Cake Butter
25% THC - 100% INDICA
Cake Butter is a cannabis strain known for its creamy flavor and relaxed effects, making it popular among both recreational and medical users. It typically results from a cross between Wedding Cake and Peanut Butter Breath, two strains celebrated for their robust flavors and potent effects. The buds of Cake Butter are usually dense and frosty with trichomes, showing off hues of green and sometimes purple. The aroma is rich and enticing, blending notes of buttery sweetness with hints of nutty, earthy undertones—much like a decadent dessert. The flavor mirrors this profile, offering a creamy, sweet taste with a subtle nutty finish that makes it particularly enjoyable. In terms of effects, Cake Butter is appreciated for its ability to deliver a strong high with physical relaxation. This makes it suitable for use during the evening or before bedtime. Users often report a sense of euphoria and uplifted mood, followed by a relaxing body high that doesn’t necessarily lead to couch lock. This makes it a good choice for social activities or creative pursuits. Medically, Cake Butter is used to alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression due to its uplifting effects. It can also be helpful in managing pain and nausea because of its soothing properties.
Purple Octane
22% THC - 100% INDICA
Purple Octane is an indica-dominant cannabis strain renowned for its potent effects and striking appearance. It is often considered a phenotype of the popular High Octane OG, enhanced through selective breeding to accentuate its purple coloring and potent effects. The buds of Purple Octane are dense and vibrant, typically displaying deep purple hues mixed with forest green and highlighted by orange pistils. The trichomes are abundant, giving the buds a frosty appearance. This visual appeal is matched by a complex aroma profile featuring notes of earth, pine, and a subtle hint of berries, making it particularly inviting. Flavor-wise, Purple Octane carries through with the earthy and pine notes, often accompanied by a spicy berry undertone that enhances its smoothness upon exhale. It's praised for delivering a rich and satisfying taste that complements its relaxing effects. In terms of effects, Purple Octane is known for its powerful and immediate impact, offering deep relaxation and a significant euphoric lift. This makes it especially suitable for evening use or for those looking to unwind after a stressful day. It's commonly used to help manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain, and insomnia, due to its strong sedative properties.
Truffle Oreoz
20% THC - 100% INDICA
Truffle Oreoz is a cross between Truffle Butter and Oreoz, two strains noted for their rich terpene profiles and robust effects, making Truffle Oreoz a sought-after variety among cannabis enthusiasts. The buds of Truffle Oreoz are typically dense and covered in a thick coating of trichomes that give them a frosty appearance. The coloration is a mix of dark green hues with hints of purple, accented by orange pistils. This strain stands out for its visually appealing aesthetics. In terms of aroma and flavor, Truffle Oreoz is quite distinctive, featuring a blend of sweet chocolate and earthy undertones with a hint of nuttiness, reminiscent of the cookie-like aspects of its Oreoz parent. The flavor is rich, with a creamy, chocolatey base that complements its earthy notes, making it particularly enjoyable for those who appreciate dessert-like strains. Medically, Truffle Oreoz is used to help manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression due to its uplifting effects. It can also be effective in treating pain and insomnia because of its relaxing properties. Users often experience an initial uplift in mood, which can be beneficial for creativity and social interactions, followed by a soothing body high that helps relax muscles and alleviate stress.
Mochi Gelato
27% THC - 70% SATIVA - 30% INDICA
Mochi Gelato, also known as "Gelato 47," is a popular hybrid sativa cannabis strain derived from the cross of Sunset Sherbet and Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. This particular phenotype is celebrated for its unique flavor and powerful effects, embodying the best qualities of its parent strains. The buds of Mochi Gelato are dense and sticky, often exhibiting a beautiful range of colors from green to purple, all coated with a frosty layer of trichomes. This visually appealing strain has a sweet, fruity aroma with strong notes of berry and a hint of herbal mint, reflecting its dessert-like name. In terms of flavor, Mochi Gelato offers a creamy, sweet profile with undertones of fruity berries and a slight herbal kick, making it delightful on the palate. This strain is well-known for its smooth smoke and rich taste that lingers. The effects of Mochi Gelato are hybrid, providing both mental stimulation and physical relaxation. Users often experience an initial cerebral rush that enhances creativity and mood, followed by a soothing body high that can help relieve tension without heavy sedation. This makes Mochi Gelato an excellent choice for evening use when relaxation is desired but full alertness isn’t necessary. Medically, Mochi Gelato has been used to help manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression due to its uplifting effects. It's also effective for pain relief, as its relaxing properties can alleviate physical discomfort.
Love Truffle
28% THC - 65% SATIVA - 35% INDICA
Love Truffle is hybrid cannabis strain, known for its potent effects and unique flavor profile. This strain is a cross between Truffle (a variety rich in flavor and aroma) and another strain, which often contributes to its relaxing effects and robust terpene profile. Truffle Love typically features a rich, earthy aroma with a strong truffle-like scent—think deep, musky, and somewhat chocolatey or nutty undertones. The flavor often mirrors the aroma, providing a complex taste that can include hints of sweetness and a pungent, earthy base that is quite distinct. As an hybrid strain, Truffle Love usually delivers a strong physical relaxation effect, which can be ideal for winding down in the evening. The high often starts with a mild euphoric uplift that gradually leads to a deep sense of calm and sedation, making it a good choice for those looking to relieve stress or get a good night’s sleep.
Hawaiian Lion
28% THC - 80% SATIVA - 20% INDICA
Hawaiian Lion is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain known for its uplifting and energizing effects. It is a cross between Hawaiian and Lionheart, combining the tropical, sweet flavors of Hawaiian with the robust, earthy tones of Lionheart. This strain is appreciated for its ability to stimulate creativity and provide a significant mood boost, making it a favorite among those seeking a daytime strain. The buds of Hawaiian Lion are typically light green with a generous coating of trichomes and interspersed with vibrant orange pistils. The aroma is fruity and tropical, with distinct notes of pineapple and citrus, which are complemented by a subtle earthy undertone. The flavor is similarly sweet and tropical, making it very appealing to those who enjoy fruity cannabis varieties.
The Cough
26% THC - 70% SATIVA - 30% INDICA
The Cough is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain known for its potent effects and distinctive, sharp flavor. It is believed to be a descendant of the renowned strains Haze and Northern Lights, which contribute to its strong cerebral high and robust growth characteristics. The buds of The Cough are typically dense and covered in a thick layer of trichomes, reflecting its potency. They exhibit a rich green color with orange pistils that stand out against the frosty background. The aroma of The Cough is sharp and pungent, with a notable citrus undertone that can be quite intense, often leading to a coughing effect when smoked—hence the name. The flavor mirrors its aroma with a strong, tangy citrus punch followed by earthy notes, making it particularly memorable and sometimes challenging for those sensitive to strong tastes. In terms of effects, The Cough is celebrated for its immediate and energizing high. It provides a significant boost to mood and energy levels, making it ideal for daytime use, especially for those needing to combat fatigue or depression. The cerebral effects are pronounced, often accompanied by a burst of creativity and social energy, which makes it popular among artists and those involved in creative endeavors. Medically, The Cough is often used to help manage symptoms of stress and depression due to its uplifting effects. It can also be useful in treating fatigue and mild pain conditions, thanks to its invigorating properties.
Galactic Jack
23% THC - 80% SATIVA - 20% INDICA
Galactic Jack is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain known for its invigorating effects and citrusy aroma. It is a cross between the famous Jack Herer and Space Queen, inheriting uplifting qualities and a complex flavor profile from its esteemed parentage. The buds of Galactic Jack are typically light green and dense, covered with a thick blanket of trichomes that underscore its potency. They often feature vibrant orange pistils that add to the visual appeal. The aroma of Galactic Jack is predominantly citrusy, with notes of lemon and grapefruit, and it may also have hints of earthiness and spice from its Jack Herer lineage. The flavor is similarly citrus-forward, offering a tangy and refreshing experience with undertones of sweet tropical fruit, making it delightful for those who appreciate a fruity taste in their cannabis. Galactic Jack's effects are primarily cerebral; it provides a rapid onset of energy and euphoria that can be great for tackling creative projects or engaging in social activities. It's known for sparking creativity and providing a sustained boost of energy, making it excellent for daytime use. Medically, Galactic Jack is often used to help manage symptoms of stress, depression, and fatigue because of its uplifting and energizing effects. It can also help alleviate mild aches and pains due to its subtle body relaxation properties.
Cherry Do-Si-Dos
21% THC - 65% SATIVA - 35% INDICA
Cherry Do-Si-Dos is a flavorful sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain derived from a cross between the classic Do-Si-Dos and an cherry-flavored strain. This combination brings a unique twist to the already popular Do-Si-Dos, known for its potent effects and delicious flavor profile. The buds of Cherry Do-Si-Dos are typically dense and covered in sticky trichomes with a sprinkling of orange to red pistils. The coloration can include shades of green and sometimes a purplish tint, which is enhanced by the frosty trichomes that make the buds appear almost sugar-coated. The aroma of Cherry Do-Si-Dos is where it really stands out, offering a sweet and fruity cherry fragrance mixed with the earthy, nutty undertones characteristic of the original Do-Si-Dos. This scent is complemented by a flavor that mirrors its aroma, with a rich cherry sweetness balanced by subtle earthy notes. In terms of effects, Cherry Do-Si-Dos is known for delivering a potent combination of mental and physical relaxation. It starts with a cerebral rush that elevates the mood and can inspire creativity, followed by a soothing body high that gradually spreads, offering relief from stress, pain, and muscle tension. This makes it an excellent choice for afternoon or evening use when relaxation is desired. Medically, Cherry Do-Si-Dos is often sought after for its ability to alleviate symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as to help manage pain and insomnia due to its sedative properties.
Peppermint Candy Cane
27% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Peppermint Candy Cane is an hybrid balanced known for its sweet, minty aroma combined with fruity undertones from its Mango parentage. This strain delights users with its mint and fruit flavors, accented by a subtle earthiness. It starts with a cerebral uplift, enhancing mood and possibly boosting creativity, before delivering deep physical relaxation, making it ideal for evening use to unwind. Medically, Candy Cane is used to relieve stress, anxiety, pain, and insomnia, thanks to its relaxing effects. It has a moderate to high THC content
Apple Fritter
26% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Apple Fritter, a hybrid cannabis strain, is renowned for its sweet and earthy aroma that carries distinct notes of apple and dough, much like the dessert it's named after. This strain results from crossing Sour Apple and Animal Cookies, inheriting a potent blend of flavors and effects from its parent strains. Apple Fritter's buds are dense and often exhibit a mix of green and purple hues, covered in a layer of trichomes that attest to its potency. The flavor is as appealing as its aroma, offering a taste of sweet apple with hints of vanilla and a subtle earthiness, making each puff enjoyable and reminiscent of biting into an apple fritter. The effects of Apple Fritter are balanced, providing both cerebral stimulation and physical relaxation. Initially, it may uplift mood and increase creativity, making it suitable for artistic activities or social gatherings. As the effects progress, it becomes deeply relaxing, often leading to physical calm that can help alleviate stress and muscle tension. This makes it ideal for evening use when relaxation is desired. Medically, Apple Fritter is often used to manage stress, anxiety, and depression due to its uplifting effects. It's also effective for pain relief and can aid in managing minor aches and chronic discomfort. Its ability to induce relaxation can also be beneficial for those suffering from insomnia.
Triple Scoop
24% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Triple Scoop is a hybrid cannabis strain known for its rich, creamy flavor and potent effects. It is a three-way cross between Super Silver Haze, Grape L.A., and Sorbet, combining their best qualities into a delicious and effective blend. The buds of Triple Scoop are usually dense and sticky, coated in a generous layer of trichomes that sparkle beautifully. They are often a vibrant mix of green hues with hints of purple, accompanied by orange pistils that stand out against the frosty background. The aroma is as enticing as its taste, featuring notes of sweet fruit and berries with an underlying creaminess, reminiscent of a fruit sorbet. In terms of flavor, Triple Scoop lives up to its name by offering a delightful mix of sweet and tangy notes, enhanced by a creamy finish that makes each puff enjoyable. This strain's flavor profile is particularly appealing to those who appreciate dessert-like strains with a complex array of taste sensations. The effects of Triple Scoop are well-balanced, providing both uplifting mental stimulation and soothing physical relaxation. It typically begins with a cerebral buzz that heightens creativity and uplifts mood, making it suitable for artistic endeavors or social interactions. As the effects progress, it offers significant body relaxation without heavy sedation, allowing users to remain active if they choose. Medically, Triple Scoop is often used to help manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression due to its mood-enhancing effects. It is also effective for pain relief, helping to soothe chronic pain, muscle spasms, and tension. Additionally, the relaxing effects can be beneficial for those struggling with insomnia, as it helps calm the mind and body in preparation for sleep.
MAC #1
22% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
MAC #1, also known as "Miracle Alien Cookies X1," is a popular hybrid cannabis strain that has gained significant attention for its potent effects and distinctive flavor profile. It's a phenotype of the original MAC, which is a cross between Alien Cookies, Starfighter, and a Columbian landrace strain. The buds of MAC #1 are dense and frosty, covered in a thick coat of trichomes that make them very sticky to the touch. The coloration of the buds is striking, featuring shades of green and purple, with bright orange pistils that add to the visual appeal. The aroma is complex, with notes of diesel, citrus, and sweet floral scents, providing a unique and enticing smell that hints at its hybrid nature. The flavor of MAC #1 is similarly complex and satisfying, with a blend of earthy, sweet, and sour notes that combine to create a memorable smoking experience. The taste often includes hints of orange and other citrus fruits, balanced by more pungent, earthy undertones. In terms of effects, MAC #1 is known for its balanced high that affects both the mind and body. It typically starts with a rush of euphoria that boosts mood and can increase creativity and focus, making it great for artistic activities or tasks requiring concentration. This is followed by a relaxing body high that isn't overly sedative, allowing users to remain functional while enjoying a profound sense of relaxation. Medically, MAC #1 is often chosen for its ability to relieve stress and depression due to its uplifting effects. It is also useful for treating pain and nausea, thanks to its soothing physical effects.
Orange Velvet
19% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Orange Velvet is a hybrid cannabis strain known for its smooth, creamy texture and distinctive citrus flavor. It's believed to be a descendant of Skunk lineage, which contributes to its aromatic profile and balanced effects. This strain is particularly appreciated for its sweet orange aroma and the velvet-like smoothness of its smoke, hence the name "Orange Velvet." The buds of Orange Velvet are typically dense and covered in a thick layer of trichomes, reflecting its potency. They often display vibrant green hues with orange pistils that complement its citrus profile. The aroma is predominantly sweet and fruity, with a strong presence of orange and other citrus notes, making it highly appealing to those who enjoy fruity cannabis varieties. The flavor of Orange Velvet follows its aroma closely, offering a sweet, citrus taste with a creamy undertone that enhances the overall smoking experience. This strain is known for providing a pleasant, smooth inhale and an equally delightful exhale. In terms of effects, Orange Velvet provides a balanced high that includes both mental uplift and physical relaxation. It typically begins with a cerebral buzz that boosts mood and can enhance creativity, making it suitable for daytime use when you need to remain active and engaged. As the effects progress, it offers mild body relaxation that helps alleviate stress without leading to heavy sedation. Medically, Orange Velvet is often used to help manage stress and anxiety due to its uplifting effects. It's also effective for pain relief, as it can soothe mild aches without the intense couch-lock associated with heavier indica strains. Additionally, its mood-enhancing properties can be beneficial for those dealing with depression.
High Society
19% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
High Society is an evenly balanced hybrid strain created through crossing the delicious Biscotti X Jet Fuel Gelato strains. A favorite among hybrid lovers around the world, High Society packs a full-bodied high and delicious flavor that will leave you giggling and your mouth watering. This bud has a tongue-tingling sweet hazelnut coffee flavor with just a touch of skunkiness to it, too. The aroma follows the same profile, with a nutty coffee overtone accented by earthy spices and savory skunk. The High Society high will was over you a few minutes after your finale exhale, filling your mind with a lifted sense of euphoria that pushes out any bad moods or thoughts, replacing them with giddy nothingness. You'll find yourself falling in and out of fits of the giggles, leaving you laughing uncontrollably for any reason at all. A lightly relaxing body high accompanies this stoney heady state, helping you to stretch out and kick back without causing any sedation.
Permanent Marker
28% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Permanent Marker is a modern cannabis strain and is Leafly Strain of the Year 2023! Los Angeles indie brand Doja Exclusive released the Permanent Marker weed strain in 2022 on both coasts. Bred and grown by Seed Junky Genetics’ JBeezy and selected by Doja Pak, the strain fuses several well-established cultivars: (Biscotti x Sherb Bx) x Jealousy. Floral, soapy, candy, and gassy funk smells fully translate into the taste. It has a lingering, pungent flavor of a soapy funk with a hint of candy and floral gas tones. The potent strain brings out creativity for daytime relaxation, followed up by the munchies and the urge to roll up some more.
27% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
RS-11, also known as "Rainbow Sherbet #11," is a hybrid cannabis strain known for its potent effects and a unique blend of flavors. It's a relatively new entry to the cannabis scene but has quickly gained popularity due to its impressive genetic background and standout characteristics. RS-11 is celebrated for its complex aroma profile, which includes a mix of sweet, fruity notes with hints of spicy diesel. The flavor is similarly diverse, combining elements of berry and citrus with an earthy undertone, providing a multi-layered tasting experience that can appeal to a wide range of palates. This strain typically offers a powerful, balanced high that affects both the mind and body. Users often experience an initial cerebral rush that boosts mood and enhances creativity, followed by a strong, relaxing body high that can help soothe muscles and alleviate stress. The effects are potent and long-lasting, making RS-11 a popular choice for both recreational and medicinal users looking for significant relief. RS-11 is commonly used to manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression due to its uplifting effects. It's also effective in treating pain and muscle spasms, thanks to its deep physical relaxation properties. Additionally, its sedative qualities can make it helpful for those struggling with insomnia.
Purple Milk
26% THC - 30% SATIVA - 70% INDICA
Purple Milk is a hybrid weed strain made from a genetic cross between Purple OG Kush and Bubba Kush. Known for its striking appearance and balanced effects, Purple Milk is a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts. Purple Milk offers a well-rounded experience suitable for both beginners and experienced cannabis consumers. The effects of Purple Milk include a relaxed and euphoric sensation, followed by a sense of happiness and upliftment. Users often report feeling creatively inspired while enjoying this strain. Medical marijuana patients frequently turn to Purple Milk to alleviate symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, and mild pain. The calming and mood-enhancing properties of this strain make it a preferred option for those seeking relief from daily challenges. Bred by an artisanal breeder, Purple Milk boasts flavors reminiscent of sweet berries, earthy undertones, and a hint of citrus. These delightful flavors contribute to the overall enjoyable experience of consuming this strain. Its unique combination of effects, flavors, and medical benefits justifies its popularity and moderate price point. When it comes to Purple Milk, the experience goes beyond just consuming cannabis. The harmonious blend of its parent strains, coupled with its distinctive flavor profile and versatile effects, sets Purple Milk apart as a well-rounded and enjoyable choice for cannabis enthusiasts seeking a balanced experience.
London Pound Cake
26% THC - 20% SATIVA - 80% INDICA
London Pound Cake is an indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain known for its potent effects and rich flavor profile. It is believed to be a phenotype of Sunset Sherbet, which contributes to its aromatic and visual appeal. London Pound Cake features a sweet, berry-like aroma with hints of nutty lemon and buttery notes, reminiscent of the dessert it's named after. The flavor is similarly complex and rich, offering a blend of sweet citrus, berry, and earthy undertones with a creamy finish, making it a delightful experience for the palate. As an indica-dominant hybrid, London Pound Cake typically provides a deep sense of relaxation and euphoria. The high usually starts with a cerebral rush that uplifts mood and fosters a sense of well-being, followed by a powerful body high that can help alleviate stress and tension. Due to its potent effects, this strain is often recommended for late afternoon or evening use when deep relaxation is desired. London Pound Cake is frequently used to help manage symptoms of stress and anxiety due to its calming effects. It is also effective for pain relief, including chronic pain, due to its strong body high. Additionally, its sedative properties can be beneficial for those struggling with insomnia.
King's Tart
20% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
King’s Tart is a cannabis masterpiece that truly reigns supreme. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a hard day’s work, find inspiration for your creative endeavors, or simply indulge in the finest weed flavors, King’s Tart has got you covered. It’s the strain that combines the best of both indica and sativa worlds, delivering a delightful euphoria, deep relaxation, and a flavor profile that will have you craving more. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of King’s Tart King’s Tart’s delightful effects! This strain is a royal gateway to relaxation and euphoria. It boasts a perfectly balanced blend of indica and sativa genetics, making it a versatile choice for all kinds of cannabis enthusiasts.
Wedding Zkittlez
20% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Wedding Zkittlez is a hybrid indica cannabis strain that blends the best traits of its parent strains, Wedding Cake and Zkittlez, to create a flavorful and potent experience. This strain is known for its unique combination of relaxing effects and sweet, fruity flavors, making it a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts. Wedding Zkittlez is celebrated for its aromatic profile, which features a rich blend of sweet, fruity scents reminiscent of candy. The dominant flavors are a mix of tropical fruits and berries, complemented by undertones of floral and earthy notes. This makes Wedding Zkittlez a delightful treat for those who appreciate a sweet and complex flavor in their cannabis. As a hybrid, Wedding Zkittlez offers a indica effect that combines with some sativa effect. Users often experience an initial uplift in mood and a surge of creativity from its sativa side, followed by a soothing, relaxing effect that eases the body without overwhelming sedation, thanks to its indica genetics. This makes it suitable for use during the late afternoon or early evening when you want to unwind but remain somewhat active.
Queen Dream
15% CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
##NO THC## Queen Dream CBD is a high-CBD cannabis strain known for its therapeutic benefits without the intense psychoactive effects typically associated with high THC strains. It is often chosen for its potential to provide relief from various ailments while allowing users to maintain clarity and focus.


This location offers the following selection of cannabis related gear for purchase.

Бонг без лица
Бонг без лица
Бонг Йода
Бонг Йода
Бонг Желтая утка
Бонг Желтая утка
Гриндер Рик
Гриндер Рик
Роза черепа шлифовщика
Роза черепа шлифовщика
Специальный стеклянный бонг ручной работы
Специальный стеклянный бонг ручной работы
Кофемолка KINGTOP Blue
Кофемолка KINGTOP Blue
Стакан для бонга высокий GREEN MONSTER
Стакан для бонга высокий GREEN MONSTER
Бонг Кристалл
Бонг Кристалл
Кофемолка KINGTOP Black
Кофемолка KINGTOP Black
Бонг Бэби Йода
Бонг Бэби Йода
Двухкамерный бонг из зеленого витражного стекла
Двухкамерный бонг из зеленого витражного стекла
Стакан для бонга высокий RICK
Стакан для бонга высокий RICK
Трубное стекло черное
Трубное стекло черное
Бонг Зеленый Кристалл
Бонг Зеленый Кристалл
Пузырьковый вихрь
пузырь бонг
Бокал для бонга высокий MONSTER
Бокал для бонга высокий MONSTER
бонг стеклянный член
бонг стеклянный член
Стеклянный бонг ДНК
Стеклянный бонг ДНК
Трубное стекло коричневое
Трубное стекло коричневое
Трубка Стекло Дарт Вейдер
Трубка Стекло Дарт Вейдер
Стеклянный бонг со спиральной камерой
Стеклянный бонг со спиральной камерой


4.9 (647 отзывы)

Ayang Maria
5 star rating
3 weeks ago
relax and good place
5 star rating
last month
ดีสุด เดินทางง่าย Best, easy to travel
5 star rating
3 months ago
Jack Napier-Rowney
5 star rating
4 months ago
Great products and excellent customer service
5 star rating
4 months ago
Great service
Sher Man
5 star rating
4 months ago
What a nice shop with clear description ✌🏻✌🏻
5 star rating
4 months ago
The service staff is good. (Original) พนักงานนบริการดีค่า
Eran Savyon
5 star rating
5 months ago
Best shop ever!!!
Calvin Chong
5 star rating
6 months ago
Very friendly and knowledgeable staff. Brownies, ice cream were lovely.
Kelvin Tan
5 star rating
6 months ago
Good place good stuff
Adalia Branco
5 star rating
6 months ago
Large range of weed to choose
Sidha Narayanan
5 star rating
6 months ago
Great products and staff. Very good
y Panda.
5 star rating
6 months ago
Wsx Asd
5 star rating
6 months ago
Fit to bursting! ! (Original) Fit到爆!!
Rembrant Vicente
5 star rating
6 months ago
Very nice place and kind crew!
Vika Januarti
5 star rating
7 months ago
🔥🔥🔥 (Original) 🔥🔥🔥 mntp
Sipaling Paling
5 star rating
7 months ago
Eibrahiem Mikael
5 star rating
7 months ago
Really like the spot because it's close to a mall
waishing Fung
5 star rating
8 months ago
Very good
Ariff Udani
5 star rating
8 months ago
Превосходное учреждение. Совертритесь в лучшую поддержку клиентов. 🥳🎉🍻
Sean Yap
5 star rating
8 months ago
Лучшая травка в Таиланде
5 star rating
8 months ago
(Перевод Google) Босс очень добрый Китайская потеря двутолчковый (Оригинал) Босс очень добрый Китайский Толкать
Joshua Siang Yek Zhi
5 star rating
8 months ago
Владелец и сотрудники имеют опыт и тщательно понимают продукты.
5 star rating
8 months ago
(Перевод Google) Лучший магазин. (Оригинал) Это лучший магазин.
Diane Jensen
5 star rating
last year
Все сотрудники очень дружелюбны и полезны с выбором идеального бутона для вас! Они бросают его для вас или даже используют свой бонг! Плюс я люблю щенка магазинов! 🐶
5 star rating
last year
Хорошее обслуживание
5 star rating
last year
Девушка, которая говорит Мандарин, оооочень милая!
5 star rating
last year
Профессиональный и широкий диспансер подходит для всех потребностей и требований марихуаны. Полезные сотрудники доставят вам то, что вам нужно, а также предоставит холодным и расслабленным апартаментам в магазине дыма.
jade briggs
5 star rating
last year
Безопасный и прекрасный персонал
Spikenard Nathaniel
5 star rating
last year
Сотрудники хорошего размера по сравнению с южной частью Таиланда, персонал очень дружелюбный 420 любовников.
wilasinee lalitwongsakorn
5 star rating
last year
Услуга превосходно, и у конопли действительно есть качественная гарантия
Colin G
5 star rating
last year
Наша последняя ночь в Бангкоке и так рада, что мы нашли это место. Хороший выбор продуктов. Маффины были сильны! Уютная дымовая комната в спине прекрасно провела время, встречаясь с другими путешественниками и владельцем, который очень крутой чувак и явно увлечен качественными сорняками. Отличный наряд, вернется!
Ahiad Weizman
5 star rating
last year
Удивительный отбор, отличный персонал И они хорошее место, чтобы сидеть в Настоятельно рекомендуется!
Asaf kupl
5 star rating
last year
Лучший опыт покупки, дружелюбный персонал, хорошие цены и, самое главное, лучшее качество, которое я видел в Бангкоке! Определенно рекомендую и я снова вернусь
Brian Lok
5 star rating
last year
Это допинг, чтобы охладить и искать лист
Minda Shang
5 star rating
last year
(Перевод Google) Существует много вариантов веса, и босс тщательно их интроировал. Вы можете заплатить наличными или кредитной картой (плата за обработку 3%). Каждый, 1/g - 650 или 750, а 1G может быть разбит в 2 штуки. (Оригинал) Существует большой выбор веса, босс представляет очень тщательно, вы можете обналичить, или вы можете выбрать карту (3%плата за обработку). Мы купили 300, 1/g 650, 750 и 1G можно разделить на 2.
Ильзат Ташмахаметов
5 star rating
last year
Очень хорошее, расслабляющее и пугающее место! 11/10. Настоятельно рекомендуется.
Eussef Maniebo
5 star rating
last year
Обязательно вернусь !! Люди дружелюбны, а в их магазине есть крутая атмосфера. Они предлагают отличные цены, а персонал очень теплый и гостеприимный !! 5 звезд для тебя 👌🏿🔥❤
mark yellon
5 star rating
last year
Отличный, чистый магазин с отличным выбором и дружелюбным персоналом! Настоятельно рекомендую
Paul Jones
5 star rating
last year
Я продолжаю возвращаться, отличный диспансер, один из моих любимых в Бангкоке.
Wang Moeky
5 star rating
last year
Настоятельно рекомендуется!
kikklock kung
5 star rating
last year
Хороший каннабис
ann mahachassada
5 star rating
last year
Посмотрите на Junky Cap! 😍😍 Парень не может пропустить это.

Адрес / Контактная информация

Магазины поблизости

Earthy Dispensary - Pratunam
Earthy Dispensary - Pratunam
5.0 ( 187 отзывы )
0.18 km
Arasaka industries
Arasaka industries
4.0 ( 4 отзывы )
0.28 km
The Green Room
The Green Room
4.9 ( 86 отзывы )
0.44 km
Mellow Weed shop | Pratunam
Mellow Weed shop | Pratunam
5.0 ( 883 отзывы )
0.45 km
Medical cannabis shop
Medical cannabis shop
3.1 ( 36 отзывы )
0.51 km
No Man's Land Ratchaprarop
No Man's Land Ratchaprarop
4.9 ( 118 отзывы )
0.52 km
4.8 ( 15 отзывы )
0.56 km
Cannabis Republic 420
Cannabis Republic 420
5.0 ( 11 отзывы )
0.57 km
Bangkok Cannabis Souvenir (weed&marijuana)
Bangkok Cannabis Souvenir (weed&marijuana)
5.0 ( 732 отзывы )
0.57 km
All The Smoke Lounge
All The Smoke Lounge
4.9 ( 157 отзывы )
0.58 km
All The Smoke Lounge
4.9 ( 157 отзывы )
0.58 km
4.7 ( 13 отзывы )
0.58 km
5.0 ( 6 отзывы )
0.60 km
4.8 ( 20 отзывы )
0.63 km
Family Kush House
5.0 ( 26 отзывы )
0.64 km
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